Diagnostic Imaging
Cavallo Veterinary Services utilizes the SonoSite Edge II Ultrasound by Fujifilm. The basic principle of ultrasound is that the transducer (probe) sends out high frequency sound waves and listens for those sound waves to be reflected back off of the tissue being imaged, thus creating the image seen on the screen. Dr. Sotela uses a combination of low and high frequency probes to visualize deep and shallow structures. Ultrasound technology allows stall side evaluation of soft tissues in real time. This allows her to evaluate inflammation, tendon and ligament injuries, articular structures including stifles, sacroiliac joints, and the articular facets of the neck and back. Advanced imaging techniques and training allows Dr. Sotela to use ultrasound to diagnose and treat a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and pathologies.
In order to further her ability to treat the equine athlete and understand and manage lameness conditions, Andrea has attended all eight modules with the International Society of Locomotor Pathology (ISELP). These advanced imaging and lameness courses focus on anatomical regions of the equine athlete, providing contemporary knowledge and techniques in the continually evolving field of equine locomotor analysis. Areas studied in depth include the distal limb, carpus, elbow, shoulder, hock, stifle, hip, pelvis, neck, and back. These modules focus on detailed anatomy including function and biomechanics as well as physical and dynamic clinical examination, imaging, and treatment.
Cavallo Veterinary Services has invested in the latest wireless digital radiograph technology. We utilize the Stalo Equine Digital Radiography System by Universal Imaging with a Canon Digital Detector. This system allows for reliable fully wireless imaging and automatic cloud syncing, enabling us to efficiently view and send images to clients and other veterinarians. This technology allows us to take high resolution digital radiographs in the field and creates quality images of the limbs, spine, skull, and neck.
With our portable equipment we can take stall side images that are instantly available for Dr. Sotela to assess. The superior image quality and efficiency allows us to expedite a diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment protocol for your horse. This can be extremely important in time sensitive situations such as acute injuries, fractures, wounds, and pre-purchase exams.
Additionally, stall side digital radiography is key in the assessment of the foot for the purposes of podiatry. These consultations allow us to objectively evaluate the hoof and collaborate with you and your farrier to develop a customized trimming and/or shoeing program for your horse. Key measurements can be made at the visit to assess sole depth, hoof wall thickness, break over, foot balance, medial lateral balance, palmar and plantar (heel) angles, hoof pastern axis, shoe placement, and the Horn-Lamellar zone.
For additional information, please check out this link from the AAEP.
Digital Radiography